Huntington House
Jockey Lane
YO32 9XW
Service opening hours
Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm
Urgent out of hours support (24/7) – Crisis Team
First appointment
Our services are very busy and we will see you as soon as possible. There are times when we have to operate a waiting list so it may be several weeks before you hear from us.
At your first appointment you will see a member of our team who will talk to you about your memory concerns and will ask you to complete a memory assessment. The staff member will also ask for your consent to a head scan. If applicable, this will help the team to make a diagnosis.
Receiving feedback
After your initial assessment you will be invited to a feedback appointment where you will see a member of our team who specialises in memory problems. They will ask you some more questions. The staff member will summarise the outcome of the assessment.
In this appointment they may:
- give you a diagnosis (if you have said you would like to be informed of this)
- provide some suggestions about how to manage your memory difficulties
- if appropriate, prescribe some medication.
If you receive a diagnosis and start taking medication, a member of the team will contact you by telephone four weeks after your feedback appointment. They will offer you a follow up appointment at a clinic eight weeks after your feedback appointment.
The clinician will also provide you with information about other agencies who can help you and your family or supporters. When appropriate your care will be transferred back to your GP.
Where will I be seen?
Memory services operate from several locations, including:
- Acomb
- Huntington
- Selby
- Pocklington.
You will be offered the first available appointment but if you would like an appointment closer to home we will offer you the next appointment in one of the locations mentioned above. We do this to make sure the waiting list is the same in all areas.
If you are unable to attend an appointment, please let us know so we can offer this to someone else and arrange a more convenient time with you.
L1016, V5, 20/08/2021 (Archive:19/08/2024)